In a previous article Business Analysis Viewpoints we discussed a number of ways of looking at systems. The intention of these viewpoints is to make it easier to see and understand the real business problem. This article focuses on the fourth viewpoi...
There are an infinite number of ways of looking at any system. This article examines useful viewpoints that help Business Analysts to understand the real problem and come up with innovative ideas.What is My Starting Point?Suppose you are working on a...
The comprehension gap is the distance between people's understanding of the real problem, and the solution that is delivered to solve that problem. Unfortunately, this gap is not being closed. It works like this: Within a few days of the start of any...
Generatieve AI opent nieuwe deuren voor analisten met innovatieve tools en mogelijkheden. OpenAI's ChatGPT, bijvoorbeeld, kan worden toegepast in strategische, zakelijke en functionele analyses. Hands-on workshop op 22 mei, met eigen laptop direct aan de slag met ChatGPT en business analyse. Aantal deelnemers beperkt dus schrijf tijdig in.
Business analysis is often seen as a technical skill. The business analyst builds process and data models, writes precise requirements, makes requirements traceable, estimates the effort involved, and so on. These are what we refer to as hard skills....
Agile techniques have brought us many advantages and good ideas – unfortunately, the user story is not one of them. The user story is a "placeholder for a conversation", or a "placeholder for requirements", either definition is accept...
What are Atomic Requirements? When you have a requirement that is measurable, testable, traceable and detailed enough to define all aspects of a need without further breakdown then you have an atomic requirement. You can think of the atomic requireme...
Multiple Viewpoints A common problem voiced by requirements analysts is: “people don’t tell me their requirements, they tell me a solution to some unstated problem”. This focus on solutions is further complicated when it is mi...
A Combination of Perspectives The previous articles in this series have focused on different views and levels of requirements and the ability to be able to trace between them. Before going further with this theme it is useful to stand back and consid...
Volere contains a structure for discovering and tracking requirements at several different levels. The previous article in this series “Work Scope and Product Scope – Why Both?” covers the difference between the Work/Business/Problem Scope and ...
This second article in the series is a discussion of the necessity to separate work scope and product scope and be able to work on them in parallel. In future articles in this series we will look at how to discover and communicate the detailed requir...