Datum: | 08-11-2019 t/m 08-11-2019 |
Kosten: | gratis |
Organisator: | IBM |
E-mail: | brim_balder-franssen@nl.ibm.com |
Website: | http://ibm.biz/CloudandAISummit |
Telefoon: | 020 514 5674 |
Plaats: | Amsterdam |
Locatie: | IBM Client Center |
We look forward to welcoming you on November 8 in Amsterdam to discuss how you can drive innovation in a multi cloud reality during the IBM Cloud & AI Summit.
Learn about how IBM and Red Hat have a unique market position to advance your cloud journey and speed growth and innovation for your business.
Get inspired by all our client testimonials or by the NGO Movement on the Ground who collaborates with IBM to implement the IBM SkillsBuild platform to take their Digital Learning Labs to the next level.
Learn the latest on Digital Business Automation, on AI, on Application, Data & Integration modernization, and on everything there is to know about your journey to cloud in a real open, hybrid & multi cloud environment.
Dive into the technology behind our offerings with hands-on-workshops on AI, opensource deep learning models and IBM Cloud Paks.
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